Thursday 12 July 2007

Square Dancing..!

WOW... What a week!

I just
don't know where the time has gone! These last 7 days have been a whirlwind of activity...

Last Friday was the first night that the Build Team camped on the adult sub-camp. In the morning we put up our tents, it was very, very windy but we managed between us.

Martyn, Brian and I have mainly spend the week on the Island Hub and adult camping area.

It has taken us nearly a week to mark out the team camping squares on the adult camping field and in between be have started to build the areas in the Support Centre.

More and more people are joining the build now, with Scouts from around the globe joining the team. Teams 'muster' outside the restaurant at 8:30am each morning with people lining-up to work in teams to link fencing around the site, pitch festia tents, pack patrol boxes, the list is endless. In the evening, after a productive day round the site, teams return to join together for a well earned meal and a little social time.

The restaurant is steadily rising from the ground and from the floor footprint alone you can tell its going to be an awesome sight.

I just can't express how much fun each day brings. Its hard work, rewarding and a fantastic experience. I wouldn't like to guess how many kilometers we have walked marking out the adult camping area.

Standing at the top end of the sub-camp looking down on the Island Hub and the area where the Build Team is camping, it's hard to imagine that in just over a weeks time adult volunteers from all around World will be living in harmony on this field in preparation for the participants arrival.

I'll write again soon!

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